The Tanager Park Tale — Updated Summary

BACKGROUND:   In  April 2017 some buzz started about possible plans for  a public swimming pool and big  parking lots at Tanager Park.  Neighbors were alarmed when a site map appeared  in the  “Updated Open Space Master Plan of Parks and Recreation”  prepared  by a consultant to the City.  The report would be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) on April 27.  City Staff  recommended  approval of the report and all the projects it contained.

Tanager Park neighbors got organized, got educated on the issue, held a neighborhood planning meeting, met with the Chairman of the Parks Commission, circulated a petition.  A  neighbor came to a Mesa Verde Community, Inc. board meeting and shared  their concern.  As a result, the MVCI Board of Directors voted to send a letter to the PRC in support of  leaving the park alone.

UPDATE:  Because of the neighbors’ organized and articulate response,  the PRC voted 5-0  to remove every reference  to an aquatic facility at Tanager Park before the report was forwarded to the City Council for final approval.

It was a good  night for the neighborhood!   The Tanager  Neighbors did a fantastic job, and Mesa Verde Inc. was privileged to help them by sending a letter .

Robin Leffler, MVCI Government Relations Chair

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